China’s hydrogen export

Hydrogen plays an increasingly important role in China’s energy landscape as it seeks to diversify its energy sources, reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, and meet its climate goals.

China has released its first-ever long-term plan for hydrogen, covering the period of 2021-2035, as it seeks to develop a domestic hydrogen industry and decarbonize its economy. China is the world’s largest hydrogen producer, but most of its production is emissions-intensive, with around two-thirds generated from coal. The country aims to produce at least 5% of its energy from low-emission hydrogen by 2030.

China is investing heavily in hydrogen production, focusing on traditional methods (such as steam methane reforming) and renewable methods (such as electrolysis using wind or solar power). This investment will help China ramp up its hydrogen production capacity to meet growing domestic demand and potentially export to other countries in the future.

The development of a hydrogen economy in China is still in its early stages, but the country is making significant progress. China has the potential to be a leader in the global hydrogen economy, and developing a hydrogen economy could help China achieve its climate goals.

China is also collaborating with other countries on hydrogen-related projects and initiatives. For example, China has signed agreements with Japan, South Korea, and several European countries to promote the development and deployment of hydrogen technologies.

China’s hydrogen export has been on an upward trend in the past ten years.

The key beneficiaries of China’s hydrogen in 2021 were Myanmar, Brunei, and Niger.

China’s export of hydrogen is expected to grow in the coming years. In addition, as the global hydrogen market continues to develop, there may be opportunities for international collaboration on research and development, standard-setting, and joint projects, further boosting China’s hydrogen export potential.

However, it is essential to note that the hydrogen export market is still emerging, and it remains to be seen how China’s role in this market will evolve.